9. Video and audio

9.1. Online videos

Videos are embedded as online videos and not as "objects" (Internet is required for playback).

What is meant by this?

Instead of inserting videos as separate files into the presentations, the Internet is accessed to play videos during the presentation. This means that videos are not played by uploading a file, but via a link to the Internet source of the video.
  This means that an active internet connection is required to display the video. This means that the video used in PowerPoint presentations is not embedded as a separate file, but linked as an online video.

Why is it important?

This way of embedding videos is important for recipients who only operate the document and the video using the keyboard. By using online videos, they can control the playback of the videos without having to access external video players or other files or rely on mouse interactions.

In addition, using videos as separate files can lead to increased file sizes, making access and transmission more difficult, as well as asynchronous working in places without internet. By linking online videos, the file size of the presentation document is reduced, making approval and sharing easier.

How can I implement/check it?

To embed videos as online videos in PowerPoint, you can follow the steps below depending on the software:

For Mac:

  1. On the Insert tab of the ribbon, select the Video option in the Media group on the far right. Then select "Online film...".
  2. Paste the URL copied in step 2 into the dialogue box.
  3. Click on Insert.
  4. The video is added to the slide

For Windows:

  1. Click on "Insert" in the menu bar.
  2. Select "Video" and then "Online video".
  3. Enter the URL of the video or search for a video in online video portals such as YouTube or Vimeo.
  4. Select the desired video and click on "Insert".