7. Illustrations, diagrams, text fields

7.2. Names

Illustrations, diagrams and text fields have a meaningful name.

What is meant by this?

Illustrations, diagrams and text fields are labelled clearly and precisely to indicate the content or function of the respective element.

Why is it important?

Assigning meaningful names to documents and Excel is of great importance as it allows users, including those with visual impairments, to navigate and interpret efficiently. Clearly named objects such as illustrations, diagrams and text fields allow screen readers to accurately reproduce the content, giving students better orientation and a deeper understanding of the data. This improves the overall clarity and comprehensibility of the documents and makes it easier for all users to grasp and process the information effectively.

How can I implement/check it?

To ensure that meaningful names are used for illustrations, charts and text fields in an Excel document, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Start by navigating to the selection area in Excel.
  2. Use the search function in the selection area to find all illustrations, diagrams and text fields on the spreadsheet.
  3. Make sure that all objects are included in a list to enable a systematic check.
  4. For each individual object in the list, enter a clear and concise name that indicates the content or function of the respective element.
  5. Once you have assigned all the names, close the window to apply the changes and save the named objects.