3. Text

3.1. Scripture

The font is sans serif (e.g. Arial, Helvetica), not too thick or too thin and emphasis (e.g. bold) is used sparingly.

What is meant by this?

It is advisable to choose a sans serif font that is neither too thick nor too thin to ensure optimum legibility. The main focus here is on recognizing and distinguishing individual letters and words.

Serifs are small decorations or lines that are attached to the ends of the letters. Sans serif fonts have clear and smooth lines and appear more modern and simple than fonts with serifs.

It is important that the stroke width of fonts is between 10% and 20% of the center length to ensure sufficient contrast. Fonts without serifs, where the difference between the thickness of the lines of the letters is small, are best suited and correspond to the "Normal" or "Regular" weights. Fine and bold weights as well as fonts with high line weight contrast should be avoided, especially when formatting the entire text.

A suitable sans serif font is already set in the Moodle editor. This should be used accordingly. When communicating content, the focus should be less on aesthetics and more on accessibility.

Why is it important?

Sans serif fonts are easier to decipher, especially for recipients who have difficulty following the reading flow or recognizing and reading the text. This is because fonts with serifs (e.g. New Times Roman) can cause letters to blur into one another or be more difficult to read for some recipients, as the serifs vary the letter shapes more. In addition, fonts that are too thin or too thick can impair legibility, especially for recipients with impaired vision.

How can I implement/check it?

You can remove highlighting as follows:

  1. Select the relevant text.
  2. Under "Format", select "Remove formatting".

Please note that font formatting such as font size is not offered in all text editors in Moodle. When copying from other programs, pay attention to possible formatting differences and remove them if necessary.