9. Material (files)

9.1. Designation of the material

The materials provided in the course are clearly named and the format is indicated (e.g. "PDF").

What is meant by this?

All course materials have clear and descriptive names that identify the content and file format.

Why is it important?

Naming files correctly is crucial to ensure that students working with speech output or screen readers are given information about the nature of the files and can recognize them efficiently. By using these file naming practices, you can ensure that your Moodle course materials are accessible and easy to understand for all students, including those who rely on assistive technologies.

How can I implement/check it?

Here are some best practices for file naming:

  1. Use file names that clearly and concisely describe the content or topic of the file. For example: "Accessibility_in_Moodle_Word.docx" or "Accessibility_in_Moodle_PDF.pdf". Avoid generic or meaningless file names such as "Document1.docx" or "Image123.jpg".
  2. Add the file format to the file name to indicate what type of file it is. For example: "(PDF)" for PDF documents, "(PPT)" for PowerPoint presentations, "(XLS)" for Excel files, or "(JPG)" for images.
  3. Make sure that you do not use any special characters, spaces or umlauts in file names. These can lead to problems with interpretation by screen readers. Instead, use underscores or hyphens to separate words.
  4. Keep the file names as short as possible, but at the same time sufficiently descriptive. This improves readability and user-friendliness.
  5. If you have several versions of the same document, add a version number or date to the file name to make it easier to distinguish between them. For example: "Accessibility_in_Moodle_v2.docx" or "Accessibility_in_Moodle_2023.pdf".