1. Audio track

1.1. Speech tempo

Communication is at a moderate pace and uses short sentences.

What is meant by this?

The speaking speed of the person presenting information in a video should be slow and easy to understand. The use of short sentences further increases comprehensibility.

Why is it important?

For recipients who (only) absorb information auditorily or have difficulty following the German spoken language, a fast pace of speech and long, convoluted sentences can lead to comprehension problems or loss of content. A slow pace of speech and short sentences, on the other hand, can benefit staff, people with hearing impairments or people who speak German as a second language, for example.

How can I implement/check it?

The following steps can help to implement a moderate speaking tempo and short sentences in videos:

  • Script: Create a detailed script that structures the content of the video and provides clear and concise information.
  • Speech pauses: Pauses between sentences can also be helpful.
  • Linguistic simplicity: Use simple and clear language to explain complex information. Avoid technical terms or jargon.
  • Speed: Adjust the speed of the audio track if it is not possible to maintain the desired speaking tempo during recording to ensure slow pronunciation.