2. Video track

2.2. Mouth picture

The person speaking and the mouth image are clearly visible.

What is meant by this?

In videos, care should be taken to ensure that the person speaking is clearly recognisable and that their mouth image is clearly visible. This serves as visual support for the auditory information intake. By emphasising the mouth image, lip movements and mouth shapes, for example, can be better recognised, which makes it easier to understand the spoken content.

Why is it important?

The visual highlighting of the person speaking and their mouth image supports recipients who are dependent on visual cues when taking in auditory information. This applies in particular to people with hearing impairments who may be dependent on reading lip movements in order to better understand what is being said.

How can I implement/check it?

To ensure that the person speaking and the mouth image are clearly visible, the following measures can be taken:

  • Camera settings: Make sure that the camera clearly captures the person speaking and that the mouth image is clearly recognisable. Avoid excessive zooming or unclear shots.
  • Lighting: Ensure sufficient lighting so that the face of the person speaking is clearly visible. Avoid strong backlighting or shadows that could impair the mouth image.
  • Emphasise mouth movements: The person speaking should take care to speak clearly and intelligibly. Emphasising mouth movements and pronunciation can help to make the mouth image more recognisable.