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General A reference to internal or external textual or graphic objects is made by explicit naming, not solely by means of a description via visual or auditory features. The use of colours is generally sparing. If colours are used to convey information (e.g. in diagrams or to mark text), labels, symbols or patterns also convey the same information. Document The title is stored in the metadata, meaningful and easy to understand. The main language of the document corresponds to the language set for the spell check. Spreadsheet Worksheets have meaningful and easy-to-understand names. These differ from other worksheets in their names. The worksheets are arranged in a sensible order. There are no blank worksheets. Each worksheet contains a maximum of one table. If a worksheet contains several tables, these are arranged in a sensible order. A worksheet contains either one or several tables or illustrations, diagrams and text boxes. At the beginning of the worksheet there is a note about the illustrations, diagrams and text fields it contains. When saving for the last time, the worksheet with which the users should start is selected. In all worksheets, the cell with which the users should start is also selected (usually A1). If there is a visual heading and/or instructions on the worksheet, these are located in cell A1. The title corresponds to the worksheet title (in a longer form if necessary). Fixations are set sensibly so that column and row headings are always visible. Table Tables are labelled as such, have a unique name and a meaningful caption. The column header is located in the first row and is marked as "Header". Row headings (if available) are in the first column, which is marked as "First column". Column and row headings are meaningful and easy to understand. Tables are not nested and do not contain split or merged cells. Complex tables (more than 2 dimensions) are divided into several simple tables. The selected table template provides sufficient contrast for the table contents. This also applies to "banded tables" (rows in different colours). Texts have a contrast ratio to the background of at least 4.5:1. A table has no empty rows or columns. Cell Text cells only contain short texts. These texts are left-aligned (in contrast to numbers). The contents of cells are arranged in a logical order (from left to right). Text cells are located in front of illustrations, diagrams and text fields on a worksheet and are organised in a logical sequence. Text The font is sans serif (e.g. Arial, Helvetica) and not too thick or too thin. Emphasis using capital letters, italics, bold, underlining or text effects (colour gradient as colour fill, glow effects, text outline) are used sparingly. URL does not appear as plain text. Instead, hyperlinks are inserted, clearly named and easy to understand. Illustrations, diagrams, text fields A chart is generated from Excel on the basis of a table (data). Illustrations, diagrams and text fields have a meaningful name. Content-bearing illustrations, diagrams and groupings have a short, concise alternative text. The alternative text of diagrams refers to their table via their table name, contains the diagram type and information on the content. Illustrations and groupings with no meaning are marked as decorative. Content-heavy (complex) illustrations, diagrams and groupings of graphic elements are specifically described in the document (as a table, alternative text, other text or link to a website), if necessary with the data contained. No illustrations are used to represent texts ("font graphics"). Exception: Essential font graphics have a meaningful alternative text. Redundant font graphics are labelled as decorative. Graphic information-bearing elements (e.g. lines, neighbouring surfaces) have a minimum contrast of 3:1 to the background. No animated graphics (GIFs) are used. Export/Print Tables that extend over more than one page have a header and footer on each page. These are free of relevant information. The table header row is repeated on every page ("repeat row"). Page breaks in table rows are suppressed for tables.