1. What are e-exams?

The term e-examination stands for electronic examinations (or assessments) and is a changing concept in examination regulations. While written, oral and practical examinations can be conducted digitally as well as in analogue form, e-examinations only take place digitally. E-examinations are digital examinations in a self-contained system. This system can be Moodle, for example. These systems can be accessed on site, i.e. in person, or digitally (virtually).

E-exams are characterised by the fact that the entire process, from preparation to implementation and correction, must take place in the same system.

Schematic representation of the test types

Figure: Schematic representation of the test types, according to Malte Persike (own illustration)

E-examinations can be:

  • E-examinations and quizzes: formative form, often during the semester
  • Remote exams: any location ("take home exam") - supervised or not
  • Scan checks: Digitisation by scanning after the inspection - no digital inspection in the actual sense

Hybrid examinations: Select variants or mixture or mixture of processing forms in the same test